1998 Seminar

1998 Seminar
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  Who and Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?

 During DR. RICK SHERROD's years in the field ministry, he began an extensive and sustained investigation of the origins of the Anglo-Saxon people. Drawing from his background as a research scholar in Modern British History (Ph. D., Michigan State University, 1980) and his extensive travels through both the British Isles and the Middle East, he laid the foundation for a series of presentations on "Israel in Prophecy: Who and Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?"

  Vidoes and audios of his lectures here

DR. RICK SHERROD travels frequently on the weekends, making Sabbath-day visits to church congregations throughout the United States. His typical inaugural visit includes a morning hour and a half long sermon on "The Promise to Abraham and Principles of Interpreting Prophecy," followed by a two hour and fifteen minute bible study/slide show on "The 40 Pivotal Years." The latter presentation explores the critical period of 1775-1815 A. D., a time during which the foundation for the Anglo-American world dominance of the last two centuries was laid. He has also visited various churches to present his bible study/slide show "A Company of Nations," examining the remarkable rise of the British Empire. He has also written indepth theses and papers on the subject.


Rick Sherrod is a long-time member of the Church of God and has served in the ministry since 1986. During the mid-1980s, he worked at the church's world headquarters where he taught and served as the principal of Imperial Schools (grades 7-12) before taking a position in the field ministry in the South-eastern United States (1986-1989). He has also worked with church youth for more than a decade, not only in Youth Opportunities United and Youth Educational Services offices, but as a central member of the Summer Educational Program staff in Orr, Minnesota where he served as Assistant Camp Director from 1986-1989.


In 1990, Dr. Sherrod became a faculty member at Ambassador University where he taught history courses, including Western Civilisation, Ancient Israel, the History of England, Modern European History, Renaissance and Reformation, and Introduction to Middle Eastern Archaeology. He also taught U. S. history survey at Tyler Junior College, and American During the World Wars at the University of Texas at Tyler. When the consolidation of the Ambassador campuses occurred in the summer of 1990, Dr. Sherrod moved from Pasadena, California to Big Sandy, Texas where he served as associate professor of history and history department chair for the following six academic years.

Sherrod's bible study/slide shows explore the connection between the modern British and American people and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel from antiquity. Presentations will cover: the Abrahamic Covenant; the history of the idea of British-Israelism; the Hermeneutics of prophecy; the captivity of the Northern Kingdom at the hands of the Assyrians; the migrations of post-8th century B. C. Israel; the "Seven Times" of Leviticus 26; the slow rise of the Anglo-Saxon people from 1066 to 1775; the critical 40 years of 1775-1815; the separation of Ephraim and Manasseh into the two greatest nations of the 19th and 20th centuries (Gen. 48); the economic fulfilment of the Gen. 49 prophecies relevant to the modern-day descendants of Joseph; the dominance of the Anglo-American people in the post-1815 A. D. world; and the relevance of the modern-day identity of the Lost Ten Tribes to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.



Sherrod makes his visits to congregations in exchange for travel expenses being met. As a result we are bringing him to Australia in late May/early June 1998. He will be appearing in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Click HERE for further information

Presentation Outline: The Abrahamic Promises

News Articles about the tour

Rick Sherrod tours Australia on shoestring budget
By Craig White

Published in The Journal, June 1998, Issue 17

SYDNEY, Australia--They say you can't get blood out of a stone, but the Friends of the Sabbath sponsored Rick Sherrod lecture series proved otherwise. Mr. Sherrod, from Stephenville, Texas, frequently lectures on his specialty, the United States and Britain in prophecy. His tour down under was run on a shoestring budget, and the lecture series was more successful than anyone expected, including Mr. Sherrod and myself.

The lecture series, organized chiefly by nonordained members of the United Church of God with help from many others, had the following objectives:

  • To use these lecture series as a means of outreach.

This proved successful with about two thirds of attenders not having any background in the Churches of God. Mr. Sherrod was also interviewed for an article in Coffs Harbour Advocate and by the Dr. Gordon Moyes, host of Australia's most popular religious radio program, Sunday Night Live.

  • To revitalize interest in this key doctrine after 12 years of neglect.

Members of the Churches of God appeared well pleased with this series. Many said they found the lectures fascinating and brought further proof for our Israel identity in addition to the traditional proofs.

  • To build bridges with similar Churches of God.

Members of the United Church of God, Global Church of God, Church of God International, Church of God of Monrovia, Calif., Independent Church of God, Intercontinental Church of God, Christian Biblical Church of God and unaligned Sabbatarians attended and appeared relaxed and happy with each other. Global announced the lectures to their people, as did some Worldwide Church of God pastors.

Many cooperated

The following organizations and periodicals permitted us to place announcements advertising the lectures in their mailings: the United Church of God, the British-Israel World Federation, Christian Educational Services, Servant's News, Faith in Australia magazine, The Journal: News of the Churches of God, the Independent Church of God, Perspectives magazine, Alert newsletter, Sabbath History newsletter, The Shofar newsletter, Origins of Nations magazine and History Research Projects.

This should be seen in the context of Matthew 12:30; Mark 9:38-40; and Numbers 11:27-29.

In Coffs Harbour, a small Protestant group actually arranged the hall for us since we did not have any contacts up there to do it for us. They were so interested in Dr. Sherrod's lectures that, in Sydney, they even videotaped the proceedings.

Before heading back to the United States, Dr. Sherrod said that he found Australia to be "an utter delight in terms of service that I have been able to contribute to the church. This is one of the highlights of my career in the ministry. I am pleased that the turnout was as large as it was; I did not anticipate as many outside of the Churches of God."

He said that in the United States at least 90 percent of his audience was from the UCG, and most or all of the rest were from other Churches of God.

Approximate attendance figures were as follows: Sydney Sabbath services 80, Saturday afternoon 185; Sunday morning 80; Sunday afternoon 90; Canberra 56; Coffs Harbour 40; Brisbane Sabbath services 76; Saturday afternoon 186; Toowoomba 50; Melbourne first night 120; second night 86.

What to do next

In retrospect, a few things could be done differently, including pushing harder for follow-up Bible lectures on a range of topics to ensure that the non-Church of God visitors learn more about our teachings in a methodical and sequential manner.

I would like to thank Kevin Watson for paying for Dr. Sherrod's airfare and Peter and Vivienne Ellis for accommodating Dr. Sherrod and his two daughters in Sydney; Graeme Marshall and the Brisbane organizing committee; Walter and Cindy Steensby and Dale Heslin in Canberra; Wayne Matthews in Melbourne; Kevin Shaw, Murray Allatt, Karen Allen, Doug and Eve Gray and all others involved in any way with the arrangements; and the UCG national council for supplying literature.


Rick Sherrod to speak on prophecy

Published in The Journal, May 1998, Issue 16

SYDNEY, Australia--Rick Sherrod, Ph.D., plans to speak on "The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel in Prophecy" at several locations in Australia in June.

Dr. Sherrod, an elder of the United Church of God, an International Association, who lives in Stephenville, Texas, has done extensive research into the origins of the British and American peoples. He is coauthor of a booklet the UCG-AIA is said to be planning on the subject.

Topics of the presentations, which are illustrated with slides, include "The American," "British Peoples and Europe in Prophecy" and "The Commonwealth of Nations Predicted in the Bible." The itinerary includes:

  • Sydney: June 13 (Saturday), 2 p.m., Burwood RSL, Shaftesbury Road, Burwood. June 14 (Sunday), 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., same location. For more information, call (02) 9521 2251.
  • Canberra: June 16 (Tuesday), 7:30 p.m., Hayden Allen Theatre, Australian National University. For more details, call (02) 6254 3881.
  • Coffs Harbour: June 17 (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m. For information call 1800 356 202.
  • Brisbane: June 20 (Saturday), 2 p.m. Auditorium, Queensland Cultural Centre, Southbank, South Brisbane; (07) 3807 6087.
  • Toowoomba: June 21 (Sunday), 2 p.m., Toowoomba State High School, corner of Stuart and North Streets, Mount Lofty, Toowoomba; (07) 3807 6087.
  • Melbourne: June 22 (Monday), June 23 (Tuesday), both days at 7:30 p.m. (Each presentation covers a different topic.) For location, call (03) 9737 1150.