United Religions Organization Study No. 174

Most are aware of the United Nations, formed in 1945 at the close of World War II, with the purpose to foster world peace and understanding among nations. This political organization is an essential part of the worldwide movement to bring about a one-world government. Now, there is an adjunct organization, United Religions, which seeks to promote peace and understanding among the world’s religions. Religious strife often leads to warfare. For example, the hideous religious war in Sudan between the Moslems in the north and the professing Christians in the south, has led to many thousands of deaths. Unless there is religious peace, there will never be political peace on this earth.

The present United Religions is an outgrowth of past movements, such as World Congress of Faiths, the World Parliament of Religions, World Conference on Religion and Peace, and other such groups.

Man, of course, does not know the way to peace. Even if the entire world were baptized members of the Church of God, there would still be strife, division, and even war, as long as human nature and Satan were still around! The lesson of history clearly demonstrates that man at his best state is vanity. Even with God’s Spirit, we botch it, time and again. That is why the Messiah must return. If we in the Church could bring about the Kingdom of God on this earth, there would be no need for our Savior to return. However, unregenerate man does not believe the Truth. He thinks that he can achieve peace on his own, without our Maker. One such attempt is the continuing development of the United Religions initiative.

Discussions began about 1995 for a United Religions group, perceived as a daily forum for cooperation and peacemaking among religions and spiritual communities.

The "Draft Charter" of this group is being circulated on the Internet at http://www. united-religions.org. Or, you can write: The United Religions Initiative, P.O. Box 29242, San Francisco, CA   94129. The charter is planned to go into effect in June of 2000. It speaks of the need for us to "respect the uniqueness of each religion and faith tradition, value voices that value others, and believe that our shared values can lead us to act for the good of all." This means that each religion must accept all other religions as being of equal value. The UR charter says, "We unite to support freedom of religion and belief and the rights of all individuals, as set forth in international law, and to witness together to the wondrous spirit of life which embraces all our diversity." However, this is impossible. Catholics are out to win over all religions to papal control. Moslems continue to mete out death to Moslems converting to Christianity. Any supposed "unity" of religions is bound to fail, because the fundamental basis for many religions is exclusivism and death and persecution to others.

However, believers in more than 50 countries are flocking to this new movement, seeking to form a United Religions organization that is inclusive, non-hierarchical, and de-centralized. These catch words would even have appeal in the Church of God today! Spiritual leaders of all faith traditions are to be revered. The first principle of the group is "We share a profound respect for the sacred source and wisdom of each religion." I have heard similar words from independent Church of God people today!

The UR plans to be actively involved in ecology and environmental issues. They want to "create solstice and equinox festivals, the natural earth holidays, which celebrate the changes on the planet." This demonstrates the "New Age" philosophy behind the movement. The UR seeks to develop a course to "retool" both clergy and lay religious leaders in the philosophy of spiritual ecology, an example of which is one that teaches the "Integration of Native American and Christian Traditions." Local or regional UR groups are urged to sponsor ecumenical and interfaith celebrations on the "Environmental Sabbath," which has already been established by the UN. I do not want to be "retooled" in religious inclusivism. The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. The Eternal’s Holy Days are ordained, and I will not keep days created by man.

How successful will the UR be? The dangers of religious extremism are now seen as an important item on the political agenda — it is not just a concern for religious professionals. Every act of religious extremism is another prod for the world’s religions to unite. It is said of the United Religions Organization that "the prime purpose for uniting the world’s religions into a global organization is to eliminate violence in the name of religion, race, or ethnicity." However, such a group, if formed, would quickly stamp out all those who believe in the exclusive teaching of the Bible.

We need to watch this development for a United Religions Organization. As long as I still have the freedom to proclaim the Truth of the Bible and share my faith with others, I will continue to do so. All religions of man do indeed lead to the same end result — the lake of fire! Only the ONE true religion of the Holy Bible shows the way to peace, love, and understanding among mankind. It is too bad that Catholics and Protestants have given Bible believers a bad name. They should have disavowed any association with the book that tells us to "love thy neighbor a thyself."

The idea of only ONE TRUTH is repugnant and dangerous to those promoting United Religions. There are, in reality, only TWO RELIGIONS on this earth and in human history. To which one are you going to commit your life?

— written by Richard C. Nickels W