by Steven M. Collins.
Revised Edition 1995. CPA Books, Boring, Oregon.

436 pages, paperback. Retail price: $19.95 plus shipping.
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The ancient Israelites were composed of twelve tribes, which eventually split into two kingdoms. The largest kingdom, Israel, was composed of ten tribes. The smaller kingdom, Judah, was composed of two tribes. Judah was "Jewish," Israel was not.

Many assume that the history of the ten tribes of Israel ended when Samaria, Israel’s capital, fell to the Assyrians in 721 B.C. Both the Bible and secular history assert otherwise. Approximately 100 years after Samaria’s fall, God told the prophet Jeremiah to proclaim a message to the ten tribes of Israel (Jeremiah 3:11-12). Interestingly, God told Jeremiah the Israelites lived not to the east (where the Assyrians carried the captives of Samaria) but "to the north" of Jerusalem and Palestine. After the time of Christ, the Jewish historian, Josephus, wrote that the ten tribes of Israel had become extremely numerous and he even revealed one of their national borders. Neither the Bible nor Josephus regarded the Israelites as ever being "lost."

Many Christians believe we are living in "the latter days," a prophetic time preceding the return of Jesus Christ (a view shared by the author). The Bible has many prophecies about the role of the ten tribes of Israel in the latter days, calling them "Israel" or "the house of Israel" while the Jews are called "Judah" or "the house of Judah." The Bible contains many clues about the national traits of each tribe in the latter days. Because the Bible states the ten tribes of Israel will be prominent and identifiable in the latter days, those Christians who say the ten tribes of Israel disappeared or "died out" are unwittingly at odds with the Bible. This book examines the victories, defeats, empires and migrations of the ten tribes of Israel throughout history and offers identifications for each tribe in the modern world. This book has been professionally edited and reviewed for accuracy of Hebrew and Greek translations. It presents strong evidence that the Bible’s historical accounts and prophecies about the ten tribes of Israel are completely accurate. A brief discussion of each chapter’s content is listed below.


King David’s rule and influence was much wider than commonly assumed. The Bible records that a major war occurred between David’s Israelites and an Assyrian-led coalition from Mesopotamia. The Bible asserts David won that war, and secular history confirms that the Assyrians and Mesopotamians were conquered by Semites from the west during that time. David became the greatest earthly king of his time. The Bible also records David accumulated copper items "beyond calculation" for the Temple of God. Where did this weight of copper come from? Interestingly, ancient copper mines in the North American Great Lakes region were worked to exhaustion during David’s time, but the copper was not used in the New World.


Kings David and Solomon were allied to the Phoenicians who had massive fleets which sailed the globe. From Phoenician artifacts found in North America, it is now known that their ports-of-call included ancient America. The Bible asserts that Solomon had a global impact, and that ancient kings travelled to Israel to witness Solomon’s wealth and wisdom. The Bible records Solomon was the wisest man on earth, and secular history records that many inventions (including the forerunner of many modern alphabets) date to the Phoenician world in the time of Solomon. This book describes the global "golden age" under King Solomon.


Via the widespread sailing routes of the Phoenicians, the Israelites established a large network of colonies. The Israelites were the "covenant" people, and they attached the Hebrew word for "covenant" (B-R-T) to some of their colonies (i.e. Britain).

As evidence of their global impact, the 10 Commandments (in ancient Hebrew) have been found written on rocks in New Mexico and on an unearthed tablet in Ohio. Also, the "Phoenicians" never called themselves by that name (it was a Greek term and the Greeks included Israel in their definition of "Phoenicia."). The city-states of Sidon and Tyre were rather small but are credited with building a great empire from 1000-700 B.C. However, it was actually the much larger nation of Israel which was responsible for the "Phoenician" Empire. The Israelites, Tyrians and Sidonians were a related people who spoke dialects of the same language. After the division of the Hebrew tribes, it was virtually impossible to distinguish between the ten tribes and the "Phoenician" city-states as the ten tribes drifted away from Judah and became closely integrated with Tyre and Sidon.


The ten tribes migrated out of Palestine in several waves, some were voluntary and others involuntary. When Samaria fell, the Bible and Assyrian records agree that very few people were taken into captivity. Many Israelites escaped Assyria by relocating to one of Israel’s many colonies via the large Phoenician/Israelite navy. Secular history also records the main body of Israelites fled voluntarily to a new location, supplanting an old kingdom with a new Israelite one. The Bible implicitly confirms the above by declaring the Assyrians found the land and cities of Israel abandoned at the time of their final invasion. This chapter reveals where the Israelites migrated and when they did so.


It has long been known that Carthage was founded by the "Phoenicians." We know it as Carthage because of the Greco-Roman term for it. Its original name was Hebrew. Many historians have commented on the Hebrew nature of Carthage’s "Punic" language and customs. Carthage began as an Israelite colony, and received numerous Israelite refugees when Israel fell. The Greeks wrote that Carthage had a secret colony west of the Atlantic to which they sent large expeditions of colonists, and many Carthaginian inscriptions and artifacts have been found in North America. This chapter examines connections between the Carthaginians and the civilizations of ancient America (including the pyramids and human sacrifices of the Mayans). Carthage was very rich and almost destroyed Rome under Hannibal, but moral degeneracy led to its collapse.


"Scythian" was a term describing many people who lived in ancient Asia near the Black and Caspian Seas. Many Scythian tribes, the "Sacae," were named after the biblical patriarch, Isaac. The Sacae appear in this region soon after the fall of the kingdom of Israel. The Greeks record the Black Sea Scythians were very civilized people who eschewed foreign religions and had such Hebrew customs as banning the consumption of pork. The Scythians renamed all the major rivers flowing into the Black Sea, giving them their modern names (Danube, Don, etc.) which preserve the name of the Israelite tribe of Dan. The Sacae lived directly north of Palestine (by the Black Sea) when the prophet Jeremiah was told to send a message to the ten tribes of Israel living "north" of Palestine. Few realize that Scythian tribes twice defeated large invasions by the Persian Empire and that they briefly conquered the entire Middle East from Egypt to Mesopotamia. The Greeks recorded much about the Scythians and regarded them as a major power in the ancient world, but modern history almost totally ignores them. Why?


In the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C., the Parthians defeated the Seleucid Greek Empire founded by Alexander the Great, and established their own empire from the Euphrates River to the western borders of India. They were fellow tribesman of the Scythian Sacae, and several Parthian cities had Hebrew names. One Parthian city, Asaak, was named after Isaac. The name "Parthia" comes from Greek historians, who gave the name "Pretanic" to the Brittanic Isles. When Parthia’s "P" is also changed to a "B," Parthia’s consonants become "B-R-TH," the Hebrew word for "covenant." This chapter lists much evidence that the Parthians were Asian descendants of the ten tribes of Israel.


Greek and Roman historians regarded Parthia as an equal rival to the Roman Empire, an opinion shared by the famous British historian George Rawlinson. Parthia regularly defeated the Roman Empire in many wars. Many kings of the Sacae Scythians and Parthians bore the name of the royal bloodline of King David, fulfilling God’s promise in Jeremiah 33:17. Even as the Israelites had a hereditary priesthood (the Levites), so did the Parthians (the Magi). The Parthian empire had mounted "knights," a feudal government system, and a bicameral "parliament" which elected their kings. In the apostolic period, many Parthians became Christians. In the 3rd century A.D. the Parthians were overthrown by the Persians and fled to the Caucasus Mountains and Black Sea region. Classical Greek and Roman writers preserved much information about the Parthians, but modern history texts almost completely ignore them. Why?


Jesus Christ was born during a period of "detente" between Rome and Parthia in which travel and trade flourished. The "Magi" or "Wise Men" who visited Jesus were representatives of the Parthian ruling class who came offering gifts to Jesus, who was "born a king." Why were Parthians interested in Jesus’ royal bloodline? What was the "star" which led the Magi to Jesus? How large was the delegation of Parthian royalty that visited Jesus Christ? Why did Rome permit Jesus Christ unlimited freedom of travel and speech during a time of often harsh repression of other Jews? Where did Jesus go during the "missing 18 years" of his life from age 12 to age 30? This chapter provides compelling (and surprising) answers for all the above questions, and offers new perspectives on Jesus’ life in light of the geopolitical context of Roman-Parthian relations.


Vast numbers of Parthians fled to the Caucasus Mountains and Black Sea region after Parthia fell, joining their Scythian cousins who were called "Goths" by the Romans. These armies of refugees needed new homelands, and they sought them by invading the European and Balkan provinces of their historic enemy, the Roman Empire. While some tribes were pagan, others (under Alaric and Theodoric) were more civilized and Christianized than the Romans. As large numbers of refugees poured out of Asia into Europe in search of new homelands, they fought both the Romans and each other. These tribes of Goths, Anglo-Saxons, Germans, etc. overwhelmed Rome and provided the population bases for the modern nations of Europe. These new arrivals brought many aspects of Scythian/Parthian culture with them, including Parthia’s feudal system of government. This chapter examines the role of the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel in these massive migrations.


After tracing the Israelites’ migrations throughout their history, the final chapter seeks to identify each of the tribes of Israel in the modern world. Because God promises that each tribe will be present in the latter days, they must be located among the nations of the modern world if the Bible is truly the infallible Word of God. Using many clues from biblical and secular history as well as a specific prophecy in Genesis 49 about the Israelite tribes in the latter days, specific identifications are offered for all the tribes of Israel in our contemporary world.

THE "LOST" TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL...FOUND!, by Steven M. Collins, Revised Edition 1995. CPA Books, Boring, Oregon,439 pages, paperback. Retail price: $19.95 plus shipping. Suggested donation: $16.00 from: Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849