Bible Sabbath Musicians: United in Music 

Some things are an essential part of every believer, indeed every human being.  The need to love and be loved, the will to live, freedom to choose, and a creative spirit, to name a few.  Another commonality that we all share in the deepest part of our souls is a love of music.  Music could easily be called a uni­versal language.  Words and melody go together to help us express feelings of hope, despair, love, joy, and sadness.  Through song, we express the deepest desires, prayers, and dreams for our lives and the lives of others.  Music helps us celebrate and helps us mourn.  It is a gift from our Creator even an essential part of who He is.


As with all the other gifts and talents God has given, music can also be found more concentrated in some individuals than others, in this case the Church’s musicians.  And this particular gift, like others, can be used in the Body of Christ for edifying its members and worshipping God.  When disagreement over doctrine divides, spiritually uplifting music can unite.  When discord and spite enflame the tongue, music can soothe the heart.  When what we don’t understand gives rise to a wall of fear, music can dismantle it with love.   Musicians who exercise their gift in the Spirit of God, without a humanly devised hidden agenda, are goodwill ambassadors for Christ among scattered brethren. 

There is a group of us musicians who have a vision.  We see hearts united in a fervent desire to be open, vulnerable, and yielding to one another.  People looking for any excuse and every opportunity to focus on commonality and discuss differences.  And this music group wants to be part of a process toward realizing this hope.  Thus, we are pursuing the formation of an organization made up of musicians within the sabbatarian community at large.  This organization might be called The Bible Sabbath Musicians Association (BSMA), following in the tradition of the interdenominational efforts of The Bible Sabbath Association.  The work of this new organization would be beneficial for both musicians and the general membership, providing services such as:

v     Encourage, promote, and report inter­de­nom­inational music events through­out the sabbatarian community.

v     Provide a single point of access for music written and/or recorded by Sabbath brethren.

v     List artist names, music style, and performance availability/schedules.

v     Provide a place where musicians can chat with and mentor one another about music interests.

v     Provide product information for musicians endeavoring to increase their skill in writing and/or perform­ance through the use of technology.

What we need more of in our community of believers is cooperation and openness.  Of course, without love, neither of these is really possible.  That is everyone’s concern and responsibility.  There may be reasons some people have for not rubbing elbows with others of differing doctrinal position, but music doesn’t usually have such boundaries.  As I’ve said, music is somewhat of a universal language, a place on the right side of the brain where even the cautious and fearful can relax to share feelings, hopes, and desires that are common to us all.  In such a state of mind, we can find opportunity to stretch ourselves beyond ourselves if we want to.  And maybe, just maybe, if musicians can work together, others can too.

If you are a musician who would like to be a part of this type of organization, send your name, phone number, and address to: Robin Todd, 6413 Stephan Ct. SE, Lacey, WA  98503, or email  We will send you a questionnaire of basic information needed to establish your membership.  Membership can mean that you have music you’d like to share with the brethren either in performance, recordings, or sheet form.  It can mean that you wish to be the musician of contact between our organiza­tion and your congregation, or promoting the goals of our group in your area.  Or your motivation may simply be to add your name to a list of sabbatarian musicians who desire to transcend doctrinal boundaries.

We believe we can make a difference both in the short and long term.  If you are a pastor, we would also love to hear encouragement you might have for this effort.  With the support of our congregations’ pastors and ministers, our goal of united musicians in Christ will be much easier to achieve.  If God be for us, who can be against us.

— written by Robin Todd W