Book Review…

The Bible Story by Arthur S. Maxwell


Reading to our children is one of the most important thing that we parents, grand­parents, aunts, and uncles can do.  I remember vividly my mother reading stories to me when I was child.  It was a great pleasure to read stories to our children.  Now that they are grown, I look forward to reading to our grandchildren, and other children as well.

Seventh-day Adventist Arthur S. Maxwell is a storyteller par excellence.  Maxwell’s ten-volume masterpiece, The Bible Story (1953), is the whole Bible in 409 gripping stories tailor-made to explain God’s Word to children.  A variety of artists contributed paintings of Bible scenes and characters.  Other than pictures of Christ, which an adult can censor, there is very little objectionable material in this series.  Adults should discuss the stories with the children, and add additional explanations.

Maxwell’s The Bible Story is the children’s Bible story series that all others are measured against.  You see them in doctor’s offices all the time.  Each volume has about 190-200 pages; volumes 1-6 cover the Old Testament, and volumes 7-10 the New Testament.  Check the 18-page index at the end of Volume 10, and you will be amazed how thorough and complete this work covers the entire Bible.

Until now, the set has been rather expensive.  Sets printed in the USA by Review & Herald or Pacific Press, retail for $399.95.  However, a new edition, published in The Philippines (not as high quality paper, but still useful) is now available.  Giving & Sharing, PO Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849, offers this less expensive edition of the 10-volume set, for a suggested donation of $79.95 delivered.

Those unable to afford the suggested donation, may receive The Bible Story free on loan, two volumes at a time; write: Sharing Library, John D. Crissinger, PO Box 581, Granville, OH 43023.