GIVING & SHARING NEWSLETTER                                                          January, 1989 No. 1


Purpose of Newsletters


      Our Bible Studies are distributed at irregular intervals in groups of several articles.  This saves on postage and handling costs.  Our newsletter, of which this is the first edition, is designed to be short, informal, and more personal.

      The purpose of our newsletters is to provide news and information about our activities, explain beliefs and doctrines, highlight upcoming articles, review important books, answer questions from our readers, and establish a more personal relationship with you.


Thanks for Your Support!


      Thank you for your donations to Giving & Sharing. Your support makes it possible for us to continue to serve Sabbath-keepers around the world.

      Please remember that only donations ABOVE our “suggested donation” are deductible for United States income tax purposes.  Each year, we send an annual receipt showing the USA tax deductible amount.

      No funds donated to Giving & Sharing are used for salaries or personal expenses.  You may request a copy of our annual financial statement.  Our records are open to public inspection.


The Pluses and Minuses of 1988


      The year 1988 was eventful for Giving & Sharing.   On the positive side, we processed a record number of orders. We distributed thirteen free Bible Studies to our mailing list.   Our revised, hardback edition of History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume I, long overdue, was finally published.

      On the negative side, we faced a number of obstacles.  In February, our associates in New York decided not to continue assisting us in mailing books and articles.  This job returned to our family in Missouri.  In April, first class postage rates rose 14%, while book rate postage jumped 40%.  Inflation on books escalated, as publisher’s prices on many Bibles and books were increased.  Later in the year, we had to cancel a planned cassette tape program because individuals who had previously committed themselves didn’t follow through.


Plans for 1989


      The Almighty willing, we are not giving up helping others!  We have received many positive responses from our readers.  One wrote, “There are many things I’d like to discuss with you face to face . . . I wish I’d heard from you years ago.”  Another said, “Yes, I wish to continue receiving [your Bible Studies].  Don't leave me out here in this desert of ignorance and unbelief.  You are my oasis.  Thanks so much for your hard work and dedication.”  There are many people “out there” who appreciate our services.

      Here are some of our goals for 1989:  Publish a regular newsletter, revise and re-publish Six Papers on the History of the Church of God [which was not accomplished until 1993], and publish a number of Bible Studies, including the following: Biblical Doctrine, “Comments From Our Readers — 1988,” “The Attack Against Healing and Health,” “Petra and the Place of Safety,” “Pentecost is NOT Sivan 6,” etc.  In short, we pray that 1989 will not be a year to lay down and give up, but to continue doing what the Eternal wills.


“Biblical Doctrine” Ready Soon


      Our next major publication is entitled Biblical Doctrine.  Over a year in preparation, this book length series of articles gives our Fundamentals of Belief.  In addition, we have analyzed doctrinal beliefs of major Sabbath-keeping groups, as well as explained how doctrinal changes and liberalization have permeated most organizations.  Shocking but true, most Sabbath-keepers have not even read the statement of doctrinal beliefs of their own religious assembly!  Doctrine is very important.  We need to know, and be able to demonstrate from Scripture, our personal statement of beliefs.               Ω