Wake My Heart

Words and music: Mark Graham

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  1.  Wake, my lute, oh wake, my harp, 
         I will awaken the dawn.
      And sing the great eternal's praises
         From this hour on.
      Wake my heart, oh wake my heart,
         I will arise and sing
      Declare the glory of His name
         to every living thing.
  2.  Ev'ry land must hear the news,
         all of the world must know
      The king will come and save his people
         from the time of woe,
      Knowledge of his righteous ways
         over the earth shall be
      As deep and wide and wondrous as 
         the waters of the sea.
  3.  Then the blind at last shall see,
         then all the deaf shall hear,
      The dumb shall sing, the lame man shall
         go leaping like a deer,
      Then the desert shall rejoice,
         blossoming as the rose,
      For waters shall burst forth and gladden
         everything that grows.
  4.  Then the dead in Christ shall rise,
         God will awaken His own
      Together we shall reign on earth
         before Christ's glorious throne,
      All the earth at last shall know,
         all of the nations shall see
      An age of love and joy and light and
         peace and harmony.

More songs by Mark Graham
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Words and music copyright �1996 by Mark Graham
Used by permission

Page Copyright 2001, Music for the Church of God
e-mail us at: webmaster@cgmusic.com
Page last modified on: 07/29/2004